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July 2024



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Although vaccination is packaged as protecting us from disease, the truth is very different.

I have shared this autism data before:


no-vaccines-no-autismAlthough it’s now thoroughly buried and staunchly defended, the pasteurisation of milk is not about protecting us, either. It’s about weakening the immune system, increasing our need for Big Pharma products. I remember, as a child, my farming father discussing how trials had been done with calves fed on pasteurised and unpasteurised milk. Those fed pasteurised milk were far less vigorous. It’s what’s been done to us, beginning with formula instead of breast milk. I’m a great believer in “gutter immunity”. The more our immune system is utilised, the more powerful and effective it becomes. But I digress.

Right now, action is being taken by the CDC on the one hand to see them having the power to enforce vaccination and, on the other, action by Dr Rima Laibow to proactively protect Americans’ (and others) right to informed consent regarding vaccination.

And almost no-one is talking about this.

So, let’s begin with the CDC:

The CDC Seeks An Unprecedented Power Grab To Permanently Detain Americans
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend its quarantine regulations. These Proposed Rules will allow CDC and its agents to perform MANDATORY public health screenings on any man, woman, or child who is traveling interstate via aircraft, train, or bus, and will allow CDC to apprehend and DETAIN individuals on the basis of such screenings. These Proposed Rules will greatly expand CDC’s power, which already includes the ability to apprehend and detain people for certain “quarantinable” communicable diseases, where the President controls which diseases are deemed “quarantinable” by Executive Order…

We have until October 14th, 2016 to give the CDC feedback on their proposed rule. Go to and tell them what you think! 

End of quotes.

Then we have Rima’s proactive Freedom of Informed Refusal of Medication Act of 2016:

“Natural Solutions Foundation, over this past year, has raised a series of warnings regarding the globalist elite’s “politically correct” attack on “the defining issue of the 21st Century” — our international, humanitarian right to Informed Consent on both the state and federal levels (and across the globe in countries like Australia). It started with Gov. Jerry Brownshirt signing the draconian SB277 and SB972 in California and continued in Washington, DC with HR.2232 (the Vaccinate All Children Act of 2015) and continues with HR.6 (the 21st Century (sic) Cures Act) and S.1203 (the 21st Century Veterans Health Care Act)… what if these federal bills were combined in the congressional Conference Committee? This is the threat we face in 2016.” – General Bert –

In order to forestall further legislative and regulatory attacks on Informed Consent, we have reached out to some of our lawyer colleagues and drafted the Informed Consent Protection Act of 2016. A copy of the Draft Bill (set up for the US Senate)  –

End of quote.

Time is running out on both of these items.

If you’re an American, I encourage you to get yourself informed, beginning with the two articles I have linked to above and take action on these initiatives, so your rights are protected, and engage anyone you know who cares about these issues.


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