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In her recent book “Methodical Illusion”, Rebekah Roth reveals more hidden threads around the 9/11 false flag events. Rebekah worked as an airline cabin staffer for many years and was encouraged by many to write a book about her experiences. But a strange thing happened. She discovered as she was searching for names for her book that many of the 9/11 so-called hijackers were still alive, several of whom, bizarrely, were Saudi airline pilots. So, she began to look, and she discovered many previously hidden pieces of evidence, looking from her airline trained and informed perspective, that others appear to have missed.

You can find a recent interview by Richie Allen here, and a written review by Kevin Barrett. I find her perspective very interesting and informative.

However, what particularly caught my eye is her reference to a possible future false flag event, which she spells out in this interview which she calls “Could This Be the Next False Flag Attack?.

Rebekah recounts how she was playing with a new iPad a couple of years ago and came across an article in an Israeli news source, which said the following: Israeli intelligence has intercepted details of an Al Qaeda plan to strike 5 or 6 major cities throughout the United States. These will begin on May 2nd and last for 9 days until May 11th. It will mark the anniversary of the United States false flag Osama bin Laden SEAL team death.

Rebekah referred to the Pakistani President announcing bin Laden’s death from kidney failure in 2002 and confirmed that her research shows that Al Qaeda was created by US/Israeli interests. She also noted the reference to 9/11 in the dates. Then the article completely disappeared from the internet, making her suspicious. In her interview, Rebekah makes it clear she is aware of the cabalists’  practice of pre-announcing their plans and speculates whether 2015 could be the year for this to unfold. In her opinion, such an unfolding would lead to the imposition of martial law in the United States.

Is this what the massive current troop and equipment movements that are being reported all across the United States are all about? There has been much speculation that this is connected to a project known as Jade Helm 15, a notion vehemently dismissed by Gordon Duff of Veterans Today.

I do not know what the truth of this is, but there appear to be massive and unusual troop movements and placements happening across the US at this time, and they are doubtless connected to a project of some sort.

Time will tell.

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