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January 2025



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In case you think the removal of Australian aboriginal or children of mixed blood has stopped, think again. This article shows otherwise.

So does this one.

The truth of the matter is that indigenous people are continuing to be killed and/or their cultures broken up, all over the world. When it’s so widespread, you have to ask; Who is driving it?

One thing is for certain, and that is they carry wisdom and understanding about the nature of life and reality that does not fit inside the widely promoted paradigm, best expressed as the scientific worldview.

A dear friend of mine, a very spiritual woman who was worked extensively with Australian aboriginal teachers and healers, shared a story with me from a wonderful aboriginal teacher she had worked with. This teacher had been brought up as a child inside Catholicism. She began to be initiated by an aboriginal elder and, at one point, the elder stepped through a large boulder and then asked her pupil to follow. The initiate said she could not and her initiation stopped at that point. On reflection in later years, she put her fear and doubt down to her Catholic upbringing.

Again, anyone living inside the scientific worldview will dismiss this story out of hand. “Where’s the scientific verification?”, you are likely to ask. Or, “Give me time and I’ll explain it away.”

You can find similar stories in the books of Carlos Castaneda and Yogananda’s book “Autobiography of a Yogi”.

These understandings punch holes in the scientific worldview and are being eliminated with our indigenous peoples.

But they are fighting back. May they succeed and help to liberate us all.

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970 million monarch butterflies killed since 1990 in US, ostensibly by Roundup

Wed Feb 18 , 2015
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