Gordon Duff is a man I do not always agree with, nor do I always agree with his approach. This is not news to Gordon as I have written as much to him. Not that he necessarily cares.
But I respect him and I always read his in depth articles.
And I see an evolution in his writing. More and more, in my opinion, he is seeing the world as it is and how it works.
He is seeing the control from behind the scenes and the mind blowing scale of the child abuse and child sacrifice – actually, human sacrifice on a global scale – that points to the heart of what controls our world.
This article is perhaps his most comprehensive in this regard. A few quotes:
Are there worldwide cults whose membership includes the world’s political and religious leaders abusing and murdering children? Are social organizations, think tanks, news agencies, watchdogs and whistleblowers often as not fully complicit underlings of these secret societies that have, working in concert, managed to create a generalized feeling of hopelessness and fear over continent after continent?
Whatever we list first as endangering our survival, planets crashing into us, nuclear war, disease, “mars-ification” due to climate failure, inexplicable human behavior, clearly a global phenomenon, is the center of our focus.
We are forced to either accept that there are people so inhuman in nature, capable of abhorrent behavior not only individually but within subcultural communities, everything from terror organizations to business cabals and even national governments.
Above and beyond it all, we assert, are secret societies which share, almost invariably, an esoteric underbelly of quasi-religious adherence to angels, demons, early gods or anthropomorphised household objects.
These organizations, call them degenerate subcultures if you will, though under many guises, now appear to be one. There are no innocent little groups of the rich and shameless, wearing their goat headdresses, dancing around the fire before the baby is eaten or the cross spat upon or before the summoning.
To survive, to defend ourselves, we have to finally admit that these cults are real, that they have risen to pre-eminence in the world — they are our judges, our bankers, our presidents, they run our think tanks, they control our nuclear arsenals — they decide what we learn, what we see, what we hear and what we believe.
If you look at the world around you and don’t recognize it as the work of the human soul, consider looking for a durable explanation that matches observed phenomenon…
…In Iraq alone we know that not millions but over $2 trillion in oil has been stolen since 2010, carried by pipelines and trucks then ships, but it never reaches refineries, never goes into gas tanks, is never paid for, never shows up in corporate profits, political bribes, money that never exists, or so we are told to believe.
The loot of the world — whether entire automobile assembly plants hauled away from Syria into Turkey, a veritable lake of oil, 2300 HumVees, tens of thousands of slaves, 5000 years of antiquities, the more loot taken, the more cash removed, like the $2.3 trillion the Pentagon misplaced on September 10, 2001 — it all simply vanishes.
When trillions more disappeared in 2007-8, when the world’s banks collapsed and America borrowed non-existent money to replace the missing non-existent money, when savings disappeared, investments vanished, homes became worthless and jobs blew away like sand in the wind, what was the reason? Who planned it, why?…
…We found organizations that were running schools and orphanages, “Palestinian scholarships,” help for abused or displaced mothers, from Lebanon, to Morocco, to Mexico and Brazil, all involved in stealing children.
These groups plant themselves near the camps in the Middle East, preying on the Palestinians or working with ISIS to traffick Syrian and Iraqi Christians and Shiites, with full support of Turkish organized crime and suspected complicity with their intelligence services and political leadership as well.
We traced them to Syria where we met with the Minister of Justice, who found himself deeply frustrated at how many powerful friends human traffickers seemed to have. Here we were able to tie both the US and Saudi embassies in Beirut, along with a series of NGO’s operating in Ukraine, Romania, Macedonia, Turkey and, working side by side with Al Nusra and ISIS, into Iraq and Syria.
Aid workers and journalists move freely through the area, some representing the Syrian Human Rights Observatory, or so they say, other newspapers such as the UK Independent or online blogs long tied to Israeli or CIA funding.
We had similar meetings with governments in Africa, not one or two, all confronted with powerful economic and political groups clearly behind human trafficking…
…The Rothschild family, according to a highly placed source, cut a deal 4 centuries ago, with an unseen power. This power, I was told, and according to the Rothschilds, is not evil or Satanic or anything like that. They just came on “entities” somewhere in Germany, long ago, that agreed to help the family gain power and “earthly dominion” in exchange for a few things.
Each male member of the family would, at age 25, and I know someone who has witnessed this, goes through an “investiture” ceremony. There, the young Rothschild or Goldsmith or whatever, perhaps young Bush, no proof of this, allows an unseen entity to enter them. This entity, as they tell it, lives outside time and space, and has been on earth for “hundreds of thousands of years.”
End of quotes.
More and more Duff’s articles move closer and closer to the understanding of our world that has become crystal clear to me, an understanding that I am spending less and less time writing about as other issues occupy my time and attention. May Duff’s profile see these issues brought more into public awareness.
Gordon, you also wrote “one that has sickened those of genuine warrior spirit, and such people do exist, I may even be one of them, heaven forbid”.
You are unquestionably one.
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