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July 2024



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As I read this article by Iain Davis, I recognised a kindred spirit, another with his eyes open.

I am reminded, as I write about what is currently unfolding in our world, of that phrase, “There’s none so blind as those who will not see.”

This is where most people are. It is “safer” to deny what is in front of our faces than contemplate its consequences in our own lives…

I quote from Davis:

This global network of oligarchs is moving towards the final stages of its long held plan to construct a single global system of governance. Often referred to as the New World Order (NWO), it is a collaboration between supranational political organisations, like the United Nations and the European Union, controlled scientific authorities, such as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and the World Health Organisation (WHO), global financial institutions, including the World Bank, IMF, ECB and Bank for International Settlements (BIS), globalist organisations like the World Economic Forum (WEF), NGO’s like the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and policy making thinks tanks such as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Club of Rome and the Trilateral Commission.

End of quote.

Davis gets it.

I encourage you to read this article and watch the embedded video sharing the speeches of many political leaders espousing this vision. Apart from anything else, it illustrates beautifully that they are all puppets of those controlling the game behind the scenes – and that it’s not just me saying these things…

It also illustrates why this scamdemic could be rolled out globally, with few exceptions. And some of those exceptions are part of the plan, making it look like they are making independent choices, such as Sweden without a lockdown. These exceptions are also used for their own research and modelling.

As David Icke put it, “They have broken cover and the door has clicked closed behind them.” And Bill Gates, despite his money, influence and power, will be a fall guy as the true controllers seek to offer up a scapegoat.

But it won’t work this time…

Though expect them to throw everything at us. For example, I view the recent acknowledgements of UFOs as a preparatory step for a potential false flag alien “invasion”. I may have more to say about this.

We truly live in interesting times.


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