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January 2025



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I am excited to announce that “The True Stories of the Templar Knights” videos are now available for pre-order.

Back in 2010 and 2011, Carolyn Evers and I took a series of messages from the Knights Templar. The Knights Templar lived nearly 1,000 years ago and left a trail in history that is widely misunderstood. They lived in a time when the Catholic Church was at the height of its power, and anyone who did not abide by its teachings was brought before the Inquisition and likely to be tortured to death. This meant secrecy was paramount, and it meant that the Knights Templar kept their most precious secrets orally – never written down – and many died to protect those secrets. So, on the surface they were good Catholics, but behind this was layer upon layer of secrets of the Light that would have seen them hauled before the Inquisition if it was discovered.

They told us that they came forth to share their story with us because their work was in part to support the changes coming forth in our time, and because their secrets could now be safely shared, since the changes in energies meant those secrets could no longer be misused by those who might wish to do so.

They built the Gothic Cathedrals

What is not well known is they built the Gothic Cathedrals in Europe, on ancient energy sites known to the Druids and those who went before them.

Chartres Cathedral – focussed upon the heart chakra

Amongst these extraordinary Cathedrals is a set of seven, beginning in Spain and ending in Scotland that were built as an initiation path – indeed, an Ascension path – and each one corresponded to one of the key chakra points in the body. Not only that, the Cathedrals were lined with secret symbols that were relevant to several esoteric traditions, including alchemy (see Fulcanelli’s Le Mystère des Cathédrales).

So, even though they worked under the auspices of and with the approval of the Catholic Church, they built these buildings for a completely different purpose than what the Church understood them to be for. These were brave and brazen men.

There are so many things I could share with you about them, but then I would be stealing their thunder – and quite a thunder it is. They gave us 39 episodes that make up over 5 ½ hours of material that the wonderful Adam Daglis has turned into Blu-ray and DVD video format for us, and these are now available for pre-order.

Some people have been kind enough to preview these videos for us, and I have been deeply touched by their response. For example, Adam, who has lived with the material for a year recently had this to say, “What a great work, it still makes me cry in some episodes.”

The first production run will not be large, so I’m giving you the opportunity to pre-order these on a first come, first served basis. To learn more about this amazing material and to place your order, go to

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Thu Mar 27 , 2014
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