Thank you, Hedy.
I have previously commented in passing on the need to being wary of what you read in Wikipedia. Indeed, any source that purports to be sharing “facts” with you should be treated with skepticism.
This article talks about the battle to have Rupert Sheldrake’s biography reported accurately. In my view, Rupert is one of those brave, articulate, highly intelligent individuals who has challenged the accepted mores of science and demonstrated many of them to be wanting, as well as demonstrating with, in some cases, experiments we can all do that there are things going on in our day-to-day world that are simply not explainable by the reductionist view of things.
Unsurprisingly, those who do not want such evidence in the eye of the public do all they can to minimise and discredit the contribution of such an individual – a practice that has been part of Western society for perhaps several thousand years, and to describe them as skeptics is generous to a fault. It is outright war – as Graham Hancock has described it, a War On Consciousness, waged on more fronts than you can imagine.
Kind Regards,
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