Gordon Duff of Veterans Today has access to sources like few others. The following two articles from today illustrate the behind the scenes reach of Mossad and other agents of Israeli control and influence, which is always in service of Israel’s creator, the Rothschilds.
The So Very Jewish War on Russia primarily discusses the role and nature of the Atlantic Council and the actions of Donald Tusk, “Israel’s man at the heart of the EU” who was behind the demise of the entire Polish Government in a plane crash in Russia some years ago. I quote:
Their newest incarnation, fronted through the Atlantic Council, Israel’s mechanism for controlling the Pentagon and State Dept., is called DisinfoPortal.org, made up of 23 mostly former CIA, Eastern European, Black Propaganda fronts now aptly renamed as anti-Fake or anti-Disinfo, borrowing dime store hipster jargon.
Tusk and Putin at the site of the plane crash that wiped out the Polish govt. Note how Tusk looks delighted whereas Putin is thoroughly disgusted.
The European end of this is controlled by Donald Tusk – Israel’s man at the heart of the EU. According to our sources, Tusk rose to prominence when the Mossad blew up an airliner, killing the entire Polish government; immediately thereafter, as the anti-Russia smear campaign went into high gear, Tusk showed up on the scene, reminiscent of Rudy Giuliani in the ashes of the WTC.
A reminder, our FBI source, back in 2014, informed us that it was Giuliani who lead the American portion of the team, including Israeli and Saudi terror groups that nuked the WTC and hit the Pentagon with a cruise missile.
The Atlantic Council organisation, tasked with scapegoating Russia, is fully engaged with partner organisations deeply involved in real acts, terror bombings, assassinations, plane crashes, poisonings, gas attacks and the smear campaigns and helped them get away with it.
Listen very carefully; there would be no terrorism whatsoever, except for one thing. ALL, and we mean ALL terror attacks in recent years, are staged in order to blame an innocent perpetrator. Do remember, the fate of Osama Bin Laden, when he got sick of working as a stooge for the CIA, the US cut off his medical care and took his Washington apartment – we all know the rest – he was blamed for 9-11 and soon after died of kidney disease and worse still, killed again years later and dumped somewhere north of Antarctica in the Southern Indian Ocean. But we digress…
VT began tripping over the Atlantic Council’s partner organisation two years ago, when we established ties between the Mossad, Wikileaks, the White Helmets, Infowars and the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights; on a larger scale we had the world crime organisation, the Kosher Nostra, with dozens of Zio-oligarchs joined at the hip with Wall St puppet Donald Trump.
Of course, the reason we are writing this is simple, we are ready to do battle, we are wondering how long it’s going to take Mueller to begin looking even closer to home. At the heart of these groups – the Atlantic Council’s disinformation cabal, past their Mossad roots and Saudi funding is European history; we might ask why Jewish-led organisations in America and Europe – the Atlantic Council, the ADL and AIPAC, are so cosy with Nazis – that’s who our man Tusk is, you know. His Nazi snipers were at Maidan, it was his SS commandos that staged the Odessa slaughter that brought about the Russian takeover of Crimea.
End of quote.
The second – Unit 8200: Cambridge Analytica Laundered Payoffs to Assange – provides clear evidence that Wikileaks is an agent of Israeli/Rothschild interests, which Duff has long argued but which I have not accepted. Their key evidence is this quote from the UK Guardian:
A Cambridge Analytica director apparently visited Julian Assange in February last year and told friends it was to discuss what happened during the US election, the Guardian has learned.
Brittany Kaiser, a director at the firm until earlier this year, also claimed to have channelled cryptocurrency payments and donations to
Cambridge Analytica and WikiLeaks are already subjects of special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation, but the revelations open up fresh questions about the precise nature of the organisations’ relationship.
There was no known connection until October last year, when it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had “reached out” to Assange in July 2016 and offered to help him index and distribute the 33,000 emails that had been stolen from Hillary Clinton.
Assange issued a statement saying that he had turned down the Cambridge Analytica offer.
But visitor logs from the Ecuador embassy obtained by the Guardian and Focus Ecuador appear to show that Brittany Kaiser, a senior executive at Cambridge Analytica until earlier this year, visited Assange on 17 February 2017. Information passed to the DCMS committee in the UK and the Senate judiciary committee in the US states that the meeting was “a retrospective to discuss the US election”.
Kaiser is also alleged to have said that she had funnelled money to WikiLeaks in the form of cryptocurrency. She called the organisation her “favourite charity”. The reports passed to investigators say that money was given to her by third parties in the form of “gifts and payments”.
End of quote.
Little in our world is as it seems.
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