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January 2025



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Quite an article, Gordon.

Keshe’s “free energy” technology, paedophilia, global control by secret societies who practise sexual abuse and sacrifice, weather modification…

For me, this article links together from the insider’s perspective so many subjects I have linked together from the outsider’s perspective, and the two perspectives fit together for me, perhaps not perfectly but closely enough.

A couple of things stand out for me, besides your explaining how Keshe came to be in Belgium.

Keshe claims to have been in the oil business and run other businesses along the way, apparently making substantial money along the way. This doesn’t fit simply with your picture – and I don’t doubt him.

Also, he claims to have worked with the Iranians to develop this technology and they are very advanced with it, albeit the first generation that the Belgians had declared to be nuclear and hence under the control of the IAEA and shut him down, which was prior to the nanotechnology version of things that he has given to the public. Both are paths to the same end – creating the plasma from which all things we know arise. He claims they used it to capture the CIA drone in 2011 and a more pedestrian drone a year later almost to the day. In my opinion, this is a key element in understanding the veracity of Keshe and the unspoken game behind the game. Keshe has made some very bold statements about the consequences for anyone attacking Iran, based upon Iran’s application of his technology.

But there is much you have alluded to that you can’t discuss. Oh, to be a fly on your wall…

I commend Gordon’s article to you if you want a glimpse behind the curtain.

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