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January 2025



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I find this article a fascinating and insightful commentary on the state of play in the media.

There’s a good chance you’ve never heard of PewDiePie, a young Swedish guy who’s been making lots of money off the advertising revenue his YouTube videos generate. He came into my awareness when he came under attack for ostensibly being anti-Semitic and a Nazi, according to the MSM. So, the WSJ in particular went on the attack and had his YouTube channel shut down.

But these guys are yet to understand the new media world.

And this lucid, compassionate, believable young man is fighting back.

Firstly, a few words from the article I received on this:

What in the world is going on? What is happening? 2017, is already shaping up to be a year when the world is turned upside down, spun around and jettisoned into deep space.

The mainstream media, the lamestream media, or call them whatever you like is losing their grip on reality. The reason why this is happening, is simply because they are losing their grip on the narrative and they can’t stand it…

…Hilariously, they are the ones defeating themselves by and large. They continue to come out with fake news story after fake news story, that is based on TRUE conspiracy theories, that are easily debunked and dismissed by the mass public who simply won’t swallow their lies anymore.
Yet, are they backing down? Are they pulling back, reassessing their tactics and saying, wait a minute, this isn’t working, more and more people are waking up and changing ranks, less and less people are listening to, and reading us! No.
No, they certainly are not, as seen with the Wall Street Journals recent debacle over PewDiePie, the most famous and followed YouTuber in the world. Now being dubbed #PewDieGate.
On the face, they are targeting him over some crude jokes they took out of context, which I have to agree, likely took things too far and were out of taste. But what you need to understand is the real, true motive behind their actions, which are now blowing up magnificently in their faces, as the YouTube community rallies behind Felix Kjellberg and defends him almost entirely.

PewDiePie simply isn’t taking this lying down and is destroying their fake news narrative they are putting out and it is having a monstrous side effect. It is red pilling (waking up) his gargantuan audience. They are seeing through the lies and not buying it.
The real reason why they are attacking him has nothing to do with virtue, which I believe is important, but has everything to do with the power he holds. His influence is far reaching, arguable even more so than ANYONE at the Wall Street Journal. Felix receives tens of millions of views per week, and he is just a dude with a webcam.
You have to note, to the MSM, this is unacceptable and is just another example of how the old “guardians” of the news are dying off and becoming extinct. The new, alternative media is here, and they can’t stand it. It cuts into their influence, their control and more importantly their profits.

End of quote.

In my opinion, their control of the narrative is for more important to them than their profits.

You can watch PewDiePie’s response here.

This video was posted 4 days ago as of this writing and has so far garnered 13.26M views. Powerful evidence supporting this article’s case.

Perhaps we will look back on this as a powerful marker. In my opinion, it has all the hallmarks.


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