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I am excited to share with you details of an extraordinary announcement scheduled for this coming Tuesday (18th) at 9 AM CET (3 AM US Eastern Time), in which the Keshe Foundation will announce an amazing breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Mehran Keshe says this treatment will make the treatment of cancer as simple and as inexpensive as dealing with a headache. The technology is being donated to humanity by the Keshe Foundation.

Such a notion transforms our understanding of cancer and its implications for human life. I don’t need to spell out to you the consequences of these results for human life and for the pharmaceutical industry.

The initial results that will be shared in this announcement do not cover all forms of cancer; however, those not yet covered are anticipated to be eliminated using the same process or a variant thereon.

Here is a copy of the flyer that announces this event, including the links to access the announcement broadcast.

Here is a link to Mr. Keshe describing the breakthrough results in his public teaching of last Thursday (13th of April).

This is not the first example of cancer being eliminated using the Keshe Foundation technology. At the Keshe Foundation conference in Rome last month (March, 2017), Dr. Rodrigo Vildosola described his treatment of an advanced case of breast cancer using this technology, in this case using a healing plasma frame and which resulted in the life of a 36-year-old woman with a young child being saved who, in the opinion of those with the knowledge to assess it, would otherwise have died from her condition. You can watch Dr. Vildosola discuss this case and present before and after photographs in this video. Be warned that some of you may find the photographs confronting and it carries a warning that viewers should by 18+ years of age.

These cancer results provide undeniable evidence of the power of the Keshe Foundation plasma technology.

I encourage you to watch the announcement on Tuesday.


Check out the extraordinary new, life-changing technology at

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