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January 2025



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Mike Adams is one of the great champions of natural medicine and healthy food and water, and a committed exposer of the globalist scams to destroy all of these:

Obama’s war on humanity just took another great leap toward totalitarian despotism with last week’s DEA decision to deny petitions seeking to reclassify medical marijuana as a non-schedule I drug. This decision means that any person possessing natural CBD (cannabidiol) compounds derived from hemp leaves, including CBG, CBN, CBD-A and other similar molecules from cannabis, can technically be charged with felony possession of a schedule I drug.
The CBD industry vehemently disagrees with the DEA’s current stance on both CBD and medical marijuana, and so far the DEA’s efforts have focused on CBD manufacturers, not end users who possess the natural substance. CBD is also reportedly exempt from the DEA’s criminalization scope if it is derived from hemp seeds or mature stalks rather than leaves. This is a key point to understand, as you’ll see here.
It’s also key to understand that the DEA’s assertion that CBD is a Schedule I Controlled Substance has already been successfully challenged at least once. Via New Cannabis Ventures:
[T]he DEA has taken the position that CBD is a Schedule I Controlled Substance as defined under the CSA. Without an express provision under the CSA, it is questionable whether the DEA has any sort of authority to take this position. But more importantly, in the case of Hemp Indus. Ass’n v. DEA, 333 F.3d 1082 (9th Cir. 2003), the DEA attempted to initiate rules and interpretations concerning certain cannabinoid constituents of marijuana that were not expressly set forth under the CSA or the DEA’s own regulations (at the time), and the Ninth Circuit Federal Court of Appeals struck down its efforts, stating that: “[t]he petition requesting that we declare the rule to be invalid and unenforceable is GRANTED.” Hemp Indus. Ass’n v. DEA, 333 F.3d 1082 (9th Cir. 2003). In short, an agency – such as the DEA – is not permitted to change a legislative rule retroactively through the process of disingenuous interpretation of the rule to mean something other than its original meaning.
This does not mean, however, that the DEA won’t assert imagined authority to attempt to criminalize makers of CBD products which are derived from cannabis.

Regulatory lunacy: Is the DEA smoking crack?

The DEA’s decision to maintain the Schedule I listing of medical marijuana (and its constituents) is rooted in a combination of sheer scientific lunacy and a totalitarian police state Obama regime that doesn’t want people to have access to natural medicinal substances which work better than Big Pharma’s toxic drugs.
The logic used to justify the denial of the petitions is just mind boggling. If you care to wade through the ridiculous, contorted reasoning of the criminal government cartel that’s protecting Big Pharma’s interests, click here for the federal register reply.
It states, among other absurd reasons, that medical marijuana cannot be accepted as therapeutic because:
• It has no therapeutic use whatsoever. (A ridiculous lie.)
• Its chemical constituents are never quite the same. (Because it’s from a plant, not a synthetic chemical factory.)
• All the “experts” don’t accept it as a useful drug… because all the “experts” are Big Pharma whores, of course. By definition, the FDA only considers people to be “experts” when they are owned by Big Pharma. From the federal register document: “The HHS indicated that medical practitioners who are not experts in evaluating drugs cannot be considered qualified experts…” In other words, all holistic medicine experts and naturopathic doctors are disqualified from rendering expert opinions on medical cannabis.
• All the clinical evidence of marijuana’s efficacy doesn’t count, according to HHS and the FDA, because they don’t like the way the studies were structured. From the federal register document, “FDA and HHS concluded that these studies do not ‘currently prove efficacy of marijuana’ for any therapeutic indication due to limitations in the study designs.” This dismissal of studies is how the FDA rigs everything. It simply rejects all the science it doesn’t like by claiming the studies are flawed.
• State laws that validate medical marijuana’s efficacy in treating many health conditions are all rejected by the corrupt federal government cartel which claims: “HHS pointed out that state-level ‘medical marijuana; laws do not provide evidence of such a consensus among qualified experts. ”
• Cannabis can’t even be studied for any effectiveness in treating disease, according to government. “The HHS concluded that the currently available data and information on marijuana is not sufficient to allow scientific scrutiny of the chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology, and effectiveness.”
In other words, THE GAME IS RIGGED!

End of quote.

If you take a look at the natural medicines in place prior to the Rockefeller takeover of the medical business 100 years or so ago, you find cannabis and its derivatives in many of them. Why? Because it worked. No wonder it was banned and demonised. The less obvious reason is that it breaks down mind control programming. I remember vividly how Cathy O’Brien described in her book Trance: Formation of America, how drugs were everywhere in the US Presidential “elite” world she found herself in, but marijuana was absolutely verboten. They didn’t want their programming interfered with.

Most people are shocked when I tell them that there was a hospital in Melbourne Australia, Prince Henry’s Hospital (no longer existing) that was originally built as a homeopathic hospital!!! Of course, Rockefeller’s establishment medicine took it over, and today the efforts to entirely discredit homeopathy remain in full swing.

Just a reminder of my recent post on James Corbett’s Rockefeller Medicine, in case you missed it.


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