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I have shared the GcMAF/Nagalase story with you several times and I, for one, have been waiting for those who understood the significance of this and had the knowledge and the will to kick the snowball down the hill. Dr Rima Laibow and Ralph Fucetola have done just that in this truly watershed interview with David Noakes. I cannot overstate the significance of this interview and the doors it opens for human health. What is exciting about this interview is we witness the understandings of what is going on in this horrific abuse of humanity being unfolded in the conversation as the knowledge and experience of Rima, Ralph and David bounce off each other, progressing the understanding of all of them, along with those watching.

If you are unfamiliar with Rima, I commend Kate Johnston’s interview with her. Kate described Rima to me as a true warrior, a description with which I concur, and it also applies to David Noakes.

David has been behind the manufacture of GcMAF, the naturally occurring human (and other) protein, which is blocked by Nagalase. GcMAF is a fundamental trigger in the activation of the human immune system, and the reinstating of GcMAF within the human body has profound consequences for recovery from a wide range of illnesses and diseases. For example, David claims that with their improved version of GcMAF and refined treatment protocols, the recovery rates from autism have climbed to over 80%, and the chances of recovering from a Stage IV cancer tumour is close to 100%. It also allows the body to recover from a very broad range of other diseases, including Parkinson’s Disease and other seemingly incurable conditions.

But guess what? Authorities acted to shut down the companies that David Noakes was associated with that undertook the manufacture of and treatment using GcMAF, and confiscated all of their funds. As David says, he did not even have the money to buy a cup of coffee. And Rima went through the same experience about the same time over her sale of 10ppm nano-silver.

“How come”, you might ask? Surely the authorities and pharmaceutical industry want to see people heal? That is the last thing they want, and the GcMAF story, including the murder of at least 5 American holistic doctors who were using it to treat their patients is clear proof.

How complicit is Big Pharma?

This is an unfolding story. Firstly, it is clear they are involved with trying to shut down GcMAF and its extraordinary impact on health outcomes.

Have they known about the role of GcMAF for many years? Rima speaks of using a Nagalase test when she was still practising in New York to test for cancer, a test that Big Pharma worked very hard to discredit, including destroying the labs of those who were doing the testing. This strongly indicates they have known about this for decades.

The question that remains to be answered is, have they been adding Nagalase to vaccines, or alternatively some highly effective Nagalase-producing virus or other ingredient? Rima has a range of current vaccines being tested, so we’ll soon have an answer.

You can find David Noakes’ company at this link.

If you have ANY interest in human health, on any level, I commend this video to you and I encourage you to spread it far and wide.

Ohhh… and the crucial role of Vitamin D3 in this process perhaps tells us why we have such fear mongering about sun exposure, an exposure that is critical to our health since it is how we create Vitamin D in our bodies. Evidence for this is the point made elsewhere by Rima that 50% of malignant melanoma occurs on areas of the body that have not been exposed to the sun, so we know it’s not about cancer prevention.

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