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January 2025



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As injections with so-called vaccines for COVID-19 are being rolled out across the planet, I was prompted to revisit the broader subject of vaccination.

If you have spent time picking apart the reality we are presented with, as I and others have, searching for what is true, you come to understand that very little of what we are told is true is, in fact, true.

Is this also true of vaccination broadly as well as specifically related to the COVID-19 vaccines? The answer is a resounding YES. You will most likely find this difficult to believe, as you will about most things about life that you take to be true.

So, if you are simply standing in that belief, please stop reading now, because you won’t absorb what I’m about to share.

Perhaps the first clear confirmation of this for me was in 2015, when I came across the journey of Dr. Jayne Donegan. Simply put, after extensive research of carefully hidden evidence, Dr. Donegan, for example, “was astonished and not a little perturbed to find that when you draw a graph of the death rate from whooping cough that starts in the mid nineteenth century, you can clearly see that at least 99 percent of the people who used to die of whooping cough in the nineteenth and early twentieth century had stopped dying before the vaccine against whooping cough was introduced, initially in the 1950s and universally in the 1960s.”

Dr. Donegan was taken to court by the British General Medical Council over her stance opposing vaccination – and WON!!!

What Dr. Donegan demonstrated was that the claims for the effectiveness of vaccination were falsified. Made up. Lied about.

What about side effects? Is vaccination causing harm?

It was an article in this area that prompted me to write this.

It is difficult to find data comparing children and adults who have been and who have not been vaccinated. Not really surprising. However, it exists, as this document shows. And it’s horrific.

Some simple snapshots:

ADHD is 19 times more common in vaccinated children.

No vaccine-free babies in the survey had died from SIDS.

No vaccine-free children in the survey had cancer.

Vaccinated people had 44 times more digestive orders and 207.5 times more chronic sinusitis.

And this is just the beginning.

Officialdom says vaccines do not cause autism. Have you ever spoken to a mother who watched her child descend into autism after being vaccinated? I have. And I have seen countless interviews of mothers who have experienced this.

Do you wonder why the industry is protected from US prosecution resulting from vaccine injury if these are safe?

And as I have shared previously, Dr. David Martin demonstrates quite clearly that the so-called COVID-19 vaccines cannot possibly be vaccines.

So, what are they? What is actually going on with this COVID-19 vaccination program that many in the world are clamouring for? I suggest you begin to look.

What is certain is it is NOT what you have been told and hence what you most likely think.

And you won’t find the answers in what Government or the media is telling you.

Henry Ford knew this was true in 1920. Do you think it has improved?


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A scamdemic update

Mon Apr 26 , 2021
This brief note carries, in my opinion, profound information about the psyop we are inside that goes by the name of COVID-19. This focuses on […]
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