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The law firm of Maglio Christopher & Toale, P.A. announced earlier this month (July, 2018) that they had negotiated a $101 million dollar settlement for an infant who suffered a severe reaction to the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine.

O.R. was a one-year-old healthy baby girl who was already walking and climbing. On February 13, 2013, she received vaccinations for Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR), Hepatitis A, Haemophilus Influenzae type B (Hib), Prevnar (pneumonia), and Varicella (chickenpox).

That evening, the mother noticed baby O.R. was irritable and feverish.

After a call to the pediatrician, the doctor advised Mom to give her Tylenol and Benadryl. The fever continued for several days and on the evening before the baby’s scheduled pediatrician visit, O.R. began having severe seizures.

She was rushed to the emergency room. Baby O.R. went into cardiac and respiratory arrest and doctors placed her on a ventilator.

The seizures and cardiac arrest left O.R. with a severe brain injury, encephalopathy, cortical vision impairment, truncal hypotonia (low muscle tone), and kidney failure.

After months of treatment at the hospital, baby O.R. finally went home, but her disabilities require specialized medical care and supervision around the clock for the rest of her life.

The $101 million-dollar settlement will pay for the child’s constant high-level medical care for the rest of her life. The family received a lump sum of $1 million dollars to cover the immediate costs of medical bills and expenses. The rest will be paid out through an annuity over the child’s lifetime…

…The U.S. Government and Big Pharma, the main purchaser of advertising space in the corporate-sponsored “mainstream” media, consistently tells the public that vaccines are “safe and effective,” and that anyone who dares to say otherwise, including honest medical doctors, are quacks or uneducated.

However, the fact that vaccines kill and injure people, including young babies and infants, is not a fact that is in dispute. The only question that is in dispute is how many lives are being destroyed by vaccines? No one really knows.

The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) was started as a result of a law passed in 1986 that gave pharmaceutical companies total legal immunity from being sued due to injuries and deaths resulting from vaccines.

There were so many lawsuits filed against Big Pharma for vaccine injuries and deaths, that the pharmaceutical companies basically blackmailed Congress by stating that they would stop manufacturing vaccines unless they had legal protection.

Congress obliged and passed the NVICP bill which then President Ronald Reagan signed into law.

Certain aspects on the Constitutionality of this law have been challenged in court, but so far the law has been upheld, with the Supreme Court ruling that vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.”

So, even though your doctor may try to assure you that the vaccine they are about to give you or your child is “safe,” be aware that the doctor is either being dishonest to meet a quota of patients that need to be vaccinated for certain financial benefits, or the doctor is woefully ignorant and only knows what was spoon-fed him/her in medical school and sponsored by Big Pharma regarding vaccines.

End of quote.

As I’ve said before, one day humanity will look back on the last 50-100 years as one of extraordinary abuse by those who own and run the pharmaceutical industry and the allopathic medical practices that slavishly, for the most part, prescribe them (and Big Food is no better). Few yet understand that JD Rockefeller created the latter to foster the former. But the day will come when humanity will wake up these atrocities. Unfortunately, not just yet.


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