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January 2025



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Thank you, Merriam.

As we watch the wildfires across Northern California, it is sobering to note that this video was made in February. Deborah Tavares understands very clearly what the satanic Rothschilds are up to, as I have written extensively about.

I have not been writing about this recently, but this is too powerful and clearcut to ignore.

She was, in effect, forecasting the current firestorm we see. And much more.

She understands that PGE, the power supplier in much if not all of California is owned by the Rothschilds, along with most if not all electricity utilities in the US.

Deborah understands the Agenda 21 game and how these wild fires are connected to Agenda 21 (now the 2030 Agenda), clearing people from the countryside and herding them into cities.

She and others understand how the Rothschilds and their agents are able to control weather and have been for, perhaps, 50 years, and they are ramping up their activities globally.

Deborah and others understand the use of directed energy weapons to cause these fires.

They understand how false pictures of water shortage are being created to charge us for water.

The Rothschilds and their satanic compatriots are ramping up their attacks upon humanity.

Make no mistake.

We need to understand the scope and scale of their efforts. They have effectively owned our world at least since 1918 and, arguably, long, long before.

I encourage you to watch this video. We need to understand this. And this video fleshes out this picture.

But, if I’m right, these current efforts are part of their final death throes.

May it be so.


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