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July 2024



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Another important study demonstrates that the sun is a major driver of global climate. It might seem self-evident to most, but we live in a world where we are blamed for a warming that ended nearly 20 years ago. Now, I’m not saying that every effect of that warming stopped 20 years ago since, as this study shows, there are inevitably lagging effects which may, for example, see sea levels continue to rise around low level islands for some years. Of course, those island dwellers are encouraged to continue to scream loudly about the need for climate action. We are familiar with leading and lagging factors in our economic system (tightening credit and higher interest rates slow economic growth, fairly quickly leading to a stockmarket fall, but real estate will usually lag this by a couple of years or so), and climatic systems are no different.

I quote:

The researchers found a time lag between variations in solar irradiance and atmospheric pressure patterns of about one to two years, which can be explained by an interaction between the atmosphere and the ocean. By comparing the two experiments with or without solar activity, they were able to prove for the first time that the sun irradiance serves as a phase-lock for the North Atlantic Oscillation. With this context, an increase of the predictability of the decadal NAO phase can be expected.

“The fact that the circulation in the upper atmosphere responds significantly to the solar fluctuations, is already known,” Prof. Dr. Katja Matthes, initiator and co-author of the study from GEOMAR explains. “On one hand we can demonstrate with this new study how the transmission of the signal to Earth’s surface and its interaction with the ocean works, and on the other hand we can show the importance of the chemical reactions for the coupling,” Prof. Matthes continued. So far, most global climate models have neither a sufficient resolution in the stratosphere nor interactive chemical components. “Although the solar effect on the North Atlantic Oscillation explains only a few percent of the total variance, the close relationship between solar activity and phase North Atlantic Oscillation is an important indicator to improve the predictability of climate variability,” Dr. Thiéblemont summarizes.

There is still a long way to go, for successful and reliable long-term forecasts up to a decade. Nevertheless, for successful predictions it is important to include solar fluctuations, Professor Matthes concludes. (My emphasis)

End of quote.

Despite the evidence, the monster that is transforming our world without public awareness (Agenda 21 and about to be revved up to become The 2030 Agenda later this month by the UN), justified by non-existent anthropogenic global warming, will continue on. It’s currently unstoppable. Does no-one stop and think about the consequences of these carbon emission reduction targets being set around the world? In the absence of alternative energy sources (suppressed by those same forces driving Agenda 21, since they also own the oil industry and most of the electricity generation industry), the consequence is a dramatic change in the way we live.

Do you have a smart meter installed at your house? Have you started to receive notices of how your energy consumptions compares with your neighbours? Have you received an offer from your energy supplier(s) to come by and do a house inspection to assess the condition of your house for energy conservation? All of this is tiptoeing steps towards telling you how much energy you can use. It’ll take a few years, but the wheels are turning and the direction is clear. The water is being warmed up and we are the unaware frogs. Our boiling is inevitable in this consciousness; not just in this way, but a thousand others. And it’s all carefully planned.

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