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July 2024



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Thank you, Graham.

This FB post from Graham Hancock:

I am saddened to report the passing of Masaru Emoto, a truly original thinker and a great human being. Masaru Emoto was the author of the worldwide bestseller “The Hidden Messages in Water“. I share here the email I have just received from Michiko Hayashi, Masaru Emoto’s personal assistant:


“I am sad to let you know that our dear Dr. Emoto passed away at 12:50am on the 17thOctober, 2014 Japan Time. His very last word was ‘Arigato’ (‘Thank you’ in Japanese). He wanted to say it to every precious friends of his around the world. And as his personal assistant, I would like to say “Thank you very much” from the bottom of my heart to you and to my dearest Dr. Emoto.

“Now he is a light, and I am very sad, but I know he is in a higher dimension now and watching us, helping us to continue to make this place a beautiful and peaceful place. As he asked me to inherit his life work ‘EMOTO PEACE PROJECT’, I am honoured to have the responsibility to spread the beautiful and powerful project to bring the true peace on earth.

“I would like to ask you please to take one minute to send love, light, and gratitude to Dr. Emoto who is now a light and is watching us from above. Please also continue to support EMOTO PEACE PROJECT, and please let us all work together to make this planet earth the beautiful and peaceful place to live for all beings in harmony.”

End quote from Michiko Hayashi, Personal Assistant to the late Masaru Emoto.

Masaru Emoto’s website (English version) is here:

End of Graham’s post.

The heart of Dr. Emoto’s extraordinary contribution was to show us how thoughts or sounds – including music – dramatically impacts how water subsequently crystallises. It is illustrated on this page of Dr. Emoto’s website.

The extension of this is to consider the human body. By weight the body is around 55-60% water; however, if we take a molecular perspective, given the small size of the water molecule, water makes up some 99% or so of the molecules in our body – and yet most medical and other functional analysis of the body ignores them. So what impact are our own thoughts and the thoughts of others having on our bodies – or the impact of listening to beautiful music? Or harsh, jangling hip hop? Or watching violent movies and TV programs? Or playing violent games?

My friend Sean recently shared this simple experiment with cooked rice with me, showing the impact of thought on two rice samples over a few days. Take 4 minutes and watch it. It’s amazing. You can find others who have duplicated it on YouTube and you can easily repeat it at home. Similar experiments with plant leaves have been conducted at a distance, with similar results. We ignore such understanding at our peril.

Thank you, Dr. Emoto.

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