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January 2025



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Let me say as I post this is that I do not, for one moment, claim to be knowledgeable on the complexity of Judaism.

However, I find this reportedly 10,000 strong New York protest of Orthodox Jews against the state of Israel and the Zionist interests it represents to be very interesting. To my knowledge, this protest was not covered in the mainstream media, perhaps unsurprisingly.

And when I place it beside this video I have previously shared with former Iranian President Ahmadinejad meeting with Orthodox Jewish leaders in New York, it is not difficult to see that we are given a distorted picture of the reasons and mandate for Israel. It contains an excellent discussion of the distinction between Judaism and Zionism, as viewed by an Orthodox Jew. Israel, of course, seeks the destruction of Iran, yet a sizeable Jewish population resides peacefully in Iran.

Also, this brief interview by Ahmadinejad with Larry King (King is Jewish, changing his name from Lawrence Harvey Zeiger) bears on the conversation.

Again, I do not claim to understand this; however, one distinction seems to be that the Orthodox Jews follow the teachings of the Torah, whilst the Zionists seem more to follow the Talmud, which some claim contains elements supporting the exploitation and domination of non-Jews, or goyim as they are wont to describe them. I would appreciate input on this from any of my Jewish readers, of which there are a number. I am interested in this because it seems to me that it bears far more directly on the workings of our world than most yet recognise, as is indicated by this article.

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Affidavit of Virginia Roberts

Mon Jan 26 , 2015
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