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September 2024



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If you’ve been reading my posts for a while, you’ll know I’ve been writing for a long time about how there is a hidden satanic control system in our world involving paedophilia and child sacrifice, and it has been running for generations. And what I find interesting about PizzaGate is that, perhaps for the first time, we have a serious discussion occurring about real-time, current events, rather than historical events such as the revelations about Jimmy Savile, which occurred after his death.

And interestingly, despite the best efforts of the mainstream media with their “Fake News” meme, it is growing in acceptance as being real.

One of the interesting events has surrounded Ben Swann. I have been tracking and sharing some of his commentaries for some years. He left the mainstream media a few years ago to go solo and struggled to survive in that mode. He joined RT briefly and one or two others as he sought to be true to his profession as an investigative journalist without compromising himself as most journalists have done to survive inside the system.

Recently, Ben popped up working in a regional slot for CBS News, and aired and incisive piece on January 17 on PizzaGate. He was very careful to distinguish between rumour, innuendo and fact, and pointed out that whilst there was no clear proof that paedophilia and child sacrifice were involved with these premises, he made it clear that there was a lot of circumstantial evidence that deserved examination.

Shortly thereafter, the episode disappeared from the CBS website and then all of Ben’s social media sites, including his YouTube site went dark. Here is the episode from another YouTube channel. You can see why it triggered some reaction. Many on the Internet were concerned for Ben’s safety; however, he seems to have popped up and indicated he is okay and all of this is part of a grand plan.

If nothing else, the disappearance of Ben’s episode and the deleting of his social media presence speaks volumes for the veracity of what he shared and the displeasure of those who run the game at what he had done.

Now there are indications that major paedophilia–related arrests are pending, but until they happen it remains an indication. May it unfold.

And these events have acted to trigger David Icke, who has been exposing this global control network for years, to remind us of how widespread this network is and provide some sense of its purpose, along with some counsel from an elder statesman of the territory to those investigating PizzaGate to check their facts thoroughly before jumping in, so they give the naysayers no ammunition. Definitely worth the time to watch as it places PizzaGate in its broader context.

And so, I am encouraged that there continues to be progress in exposing PizzaGate, as it would seem to me that if all of this leaks out, it will be impossible to contain the truth of the totality of this control system, which means it has the potential to transform our world as we know it. I do not use these words lightly. No politician of note, no major religious figure, no judicial or policing figure, no senior business figure within the businesses owned and controlled by the elite will go unscathed.


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