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January 2025



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Brian Rose’s London Real channel has just posted the World Premiere of Plandemic INDOCTORNATION.

I have been describing this – what I call – scamdemic, which has been created around the phenomenon of COVID-19, almost since it began. It has been used as a cover to justify an almost total restructuring of life on planet Earth. Under its cover, a global Depression, which I expect to be worse than the so-called Great Depression of the 30s has been initiated (its severity will only begin to show up in 2021, I expect), global food supplies have been decimated in several different ways, the results of which also remain in our future, martial law has been effectively imposed in several parts of the world, and the preparations have begun in earnest to transition the life experience of those who remain on the planet into the elite’s planned “Hunger Games” society.

Few people can even imagine this, let alone observe and document it.

Fortunately, there are those who can see at least parts of this. This documentary by Mikki Willis is an outstanding introduction to and expose of the level of planning that has gone into what he has called this Plandemic, and identifies at least some of whom benefit from it. It confirms so many things I have been saying and with evidence from highly competent and credible sources.

I not only commend this documentary to you, I urge you to watch it and, if it resonates with you on any level, share it with your friends and family and social media contacts. Please help to wake others up to what is being done to us.

As an adjunct, you may wish to consider Mike Adams’ comments on the recently announced New Zealand “quarantine camps”. Whilst Mike uses some more impassioned language than I would, I agree with his conclusions about the larger context of these camps.

And remember, this virus is no worse than a medium bout of flu, but this is very hard to see, given how it is portrayed in the media, and with a focus on stopping people getting the virus – whatever that means – when such a thing is simply impossible (a perfect psyop) and no-one with a strong immune system is impacted.

For me, I cannot ignore that a simple component of food has been shown in vitro to treat and prevent COVID-19 infection, and has been shown to clear hospital patients of COVID-19. However, officialdom does not want to know, as evidenced by the website for it being blocked on YouTube and Facebook and other places. Does this mean we don’t need a COVID-19 vaccination? Correct. And probably not for any future lab produced or natural virus, either. That would definitely not do.

I predict it will show its face very widely when it is time, potentially deconstructing everything Rockefeller (read allopathic) medicine has imposed upon us, as Willis explains.

As I am writing this, I have received an email of an interview of Mikki Willis by Brian Rose. I have not watched it as yet.


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Interview with Mikki Willis, creator of the documentary Plandemic INDOCTORNATION

Thu Aug 20 , 2020
As a follow up to Plandemic INDOCTORNATION, Brian Rose has interviewed Mikki Willis. In my opinion, it is just as important as the documentary. We […]
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