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November 2024



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Five years ago you would not have seen an article like this one from Preston James. Maybe not even two years ago. But now, here it is. It’s beginning to seem like it’s everywhere, including all of the PizzaGate revelations, which the elite are trying to corral after the horses are already scattered to the four winds, false flag shoot-ups notwithstanding. I quote:

Right now it’s a sad fact that there is a worldwide Satanic Pedophile Cabal that has infiltrated and hijacked America and runs the USG and most of it major institutions.

If you are not initiated into this Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) and are thus not a part of it, the higher you are in rank in any USG, Intel or Corporate position, the less the Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) will allow you to disclose any of their evil secrets that you discover.

The reason for this is obvious. More status, higher position, a larger audience with the public, the greater the potential impact of any disclosure and the more likely the leaker will be believed.

Thus, if you are only a small time nobody can you usually can get away with publishing articles and videos on the Internet which expose the SPC’s unimaginable evil. And thousands of small time contributors have been doing this all over the Internet on hundreds of Alternative News websites for the last several years.

Since We The People outnumber the SPC by a huge margin, if they arkencide too many of us at once it is likely that We The People would rise up as independent, unorganized vigilantes and do the same to them in very sector of society, doing whatever was necessary to get them all.

What tactics are now available to the SPC right now?

If they then try to deploy DHS, LE and even the US Military against We The People on a grand scale, this would fail miserably because there would soon be numerous coup d’états on the inside against them.

So SPC’s modus operandus has been to stack the highest positions in the American Government and American Society, especially their Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM), and then use them to effectively mind-kontrol the masses and keep them believing all their big lies, false narratives and propaganda.

And we now know for certain that unless a majority of the American masses accepts and believes all these big lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the SPC, We The People will rise up, crush the SPC and take back America from their unimaginably evil clutches.

This means that those American LE or Intel who have high security clearances and know the full extent of the Satanic Pedophile network are dealt with quickly and severely if they publicly disclose the existence and reach and crimes against children of the Satanic Pedophile Network.

And we now know for certain that this Satanic Pedophile Cabal (SPC) has set up a network of practicing pedophiles that kidnap and traffick in children and infants to pedophile and, torture and murder, sometimes cannibalizing them. Pedophilia, often combined with Satanic human sacrifice rituals as one becomes initiated to the highest levels is the main control mechanism of the Satanic Pedophile Cabal SPC (aka the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia “RKM”, the Babylonian Talmudic Black Magic practitioners, or the “Synagogue of Satan”).

End of quote.

You get the picture.

And although James understandably focuses on the US, he acknowledges that it’s global. Now, I could debate some of the finer points, but that would be churlish when the broad brush strokes paint the picture that needs to be understood, as I’ve been saying for quite a while, and it excites me to see it coming forth. This satanic elite needs to be exposed and disempowered and articles like this one play a key role.


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