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July 2024



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I was drawn to reflect upon this documentarySomething Unknown Is Doing We Don’t Know Whatafter sharing with you the TEDx presentation by Rupert Sheldrake. Let me share with you once more the quote from Rupert I selected from his presentation:

“There is a conflict in the heart of science between science as a method of enquiry based upon reason, evidence, hypothesis and collective investigation, and science as a belief system or worldview. And unfortunately the worldview aspect of science has come to inhibit and constrict the free enquiry, which is the very lifeblood of the scientific endeavour.”

This documentary focuses entirely on issues that do not fit inside this scientific worldview belief system, and most of it focuses upon areas where the scientific method has been applied rigorously to the confirmation of these phenomena, including examples of Rupert’s work. Despite this, most people will continue to dismiss these results because they have adopted the scientific worldview model and hold it to be more real than these rigorously scientifically proven phenomena. Beliefs are more powerful than most give credit to, and in this, the scientific worldview has simply replaced traditional religion with the religion of science. In this, the beliefs are far more important than the facts; something most who have adopted this scientific worldview “religion” would argue heatedly against. They are convinced that the scientific method lies at the basis of everything they hold to be true within the scientific worldview, yet this documentary illustrates many examples that prove this to be false.

Where do you line up? This world is not even close to being like most of us believe. Will you apply the lever of this documentary to prise open your mind and allow a little truth to penetrate?

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