My taxi driver in San Diego had a plan. He was moving to Laredo to get back into long-distance trucking. He’d work hard for 10 […]
Day: 22 February 2017
Chemistry Expert: Carbon Dioxide can’t cause Global Warming
I quote this article in full: Scarcely a day goes by without us being warned of coastal inundation by rising seas due to global warming. […]
PizzaGate videos being removed and hence moved from YouTube
This brief video is another illustration of how the mainstream, including Internet heavyweights like Google and Twitter, are censoring out what the global elite doesn’t […]
The information war is heating up: Late last week, I received a direct threat that warned if I did not take steps to destroy Alex […]
Trump, Watergate, Nixon, Rockefeller: the real lesson by Jon Rappoport
Another insightful piece from Jon Rappoport. Watergate eventually became the story of two young rookie reporters who exposed and took down a president. Nixon. Try […]
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