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Thank you, Graham. 

So, if these were created only 11,500 years ago, the knowledge and civilisation had to already be extremely advanced to not only create these massive pillars, move them into place with technology that most of today’s world is unfamiliar with, but to have the knowledge that this site shares with us. This brief video provides an introduction to Gobekli Tepe – – including a brief snippet of  Graham’s perspective on it. 

From: Graham Hancock
Sent: Tuesday, 10 September 2013 17:24

I have now completed five days of investigation and exploration at the extraordinary 12,000-year old megalithic site of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey. Yesterday and today I Interviewed Professor Klaus Schmidt the discoverer of the site, a remarkably modest, hard-working, kindly man who clearly has  enormous passion for his subject. He told me that his site surveys, including ground-penetrating radar have indicated that the areas excavated so far represent only a small fraction of the total. To be specific, four enclosures with circles of upright T-shaped megaliths have so far been exposed and are familiar to the public from photographs widely available on the internet. However according to Professor Schmidt at least a further twenty enclosures of similar size, and possibly as many as fifty, still remain underground. What secrets about the lost past of humanity will the excavation of those enclosures reveal? 

I was taken by Professor Schmidt to a new excavation a few hundred meters north-west of the main site. In the background behind us as we talked was the top section of a massive largely-buried pillar with the figure of a lion carved in high-relief. Stratigraphic and radio-carbon dating of associated organic materials has not yet been completed in this area of excavations but from the size and style of the pillar Professor Schmidt is of the opinion that it may be as old as the oldest pillars so far excavated at Gobekli Tepe. This would date it to 11,600 years ago or earlier. Professor Schmidt believes that pillars still to be excavated may prove to date back as far as 14,000 years ago.

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