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July 2024



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I’m sure you’ve heard about the Charleston church massacre last week. Unless you go Internet fishing, you’ve probably only heard the mainstream media version of what happened.

But, like most if not all of these events, all is not what it seems, something many who look at these things have begun to recognise.

Jim Fetzer’s blog post arguably draws together most of the pieces of evidence, supported by two VT articles, one from Gordon Duff, another from Jonas Alexis.

Jon Rappoport has also weighed in on the subject.

In simple terms, the narrative is full of holes and, like perhaps all of these false flag events, including 9/11, there was a drill active in Charleston at the time, which was “taken live”.

Perhaps the best summary of the threads at work in this sick plot comes from a black guy who calls himself Redsilverj. In my view, he’s often right up there when it comes to pulling these false flag events apart.

Apart from the obvious targeting of guns, which Obama launched on very quickly, and racism, we have a play directed to censoring the Internet, portrayed in this event as being the source of radicalisation of Dylann Roof.

And Redsilverj also shares with us how the church was “open for business” the very next day, and how the police took this so-called mass murderer to Burger King!!!

There are many threads to this project, but one thing is certain – this was not a real event as portrayed in the mainstream media.

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