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Just after I finished yesterday’s piece on global warming, this video showed up in my email. It tells a powerful story supporting all I said yesterday and much more. Admittedly, they still don’t see the game behind the game, but few do unless they’ve been looking for a while, but it is very visible in this video for those with eyes to see. One glaring example is the explosion in funding under Bush Sr. for global warming research; a 10-fold increase, I believe. And as is discussed, when you direct the funding in a particular direction, you get research funding applications and research outcomes that are self-fulfilling. Bush Sr., as many will recall, was oft heard promoting the New World Order. One day the world will understand the agendas of this man – hopefully whilst he’s still alive and can be held accountable. Cathy O’Brien’s recovered memories provide an entrée into this.

As I said yesterday, it is a swindle to blame the man in the street for global warming and it is complete nonsense. Even though CO2 concentrations have historically tracked temperature, they lag temperature by 800 years – the time it takes for the sea temperature to respond.

Neither you nor I need worry a dot about our CO2 production.

Again, we need to look at why this swindle is being peddled. Put simply, it is yet another example of the application of the Hegelian Dialectic (or as David Icke calls it – problem, reaction, solution) to have us adopt a solution to a problem – real or otherwise – that they have created. In this case, there is no problem, but it is a wonderful stalking horse by which, once more our freedoms are limited and the path of humanity is steered in their interests (read Agenda 21, for example).

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November 2-9 2013 highlights ~ Shift Frequency

Sun Nov 10 , 2013
Thank you, Gillian, for your thoughtful and insightful perspective.   America’s Precipitous Fall In Prestige & Power  Time moves forward at relentless pace. It seems […]
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