A very interesting presentation/Q&A delivered by Julian Assange via Skype to a US conference yesterday.
Day: 9 March 2014
Alain Soral and Gilad Atzmon on Jewish Power and cultural narcissism
If we are to understand our world, it is essential we understand the forces that direct and control it. I find this article to be […]
Julian Assange tells SXSW audience: ‘NSA has grown to be a rogue agency’
This article in the Guardian reports on Julian Assange’s speech to a current conference. “The NSA has grown to be a rogue agency. It has […]
Move-on bill likely to become law
New laws designed to move on protesters, which the Napthine government admits will limit free speech and the right to peaceful protest, are set to […]
Ukraine update from Truthseeker, SyrianGirl and Gordon Duff
Truthseeker on RT shows how the so-called NGO’s, which present themselves as vehicles for peace, democracy and human rights have been used as vehicles for […]
China Is Crashing . As Predicted
Is there a massive credit crunch coming in China? Zero Hedge thinks so, and they have some powerful evidence on their side.
Starved & evicted: Britain’s poor now treated worse than animals
If someone had told me a decade ago that the British government would deliberately starve my fellow countrymen in an attempt to bully them into […]
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