I have written about many things that I see going on in our world in my posts, yet I have not really drawn them all together. I have pointed to the role of the bankers and how they have painted themselves out of history. I have written about Agenda 21 many times, perhaps the most invasive and destructive process for humanity that has been conceived. I have shared the work of Graham Hancock, who has worked tirelessly to reveal the carefully buried ancient history of an advanced civilisation on this planet, which appears to have essentially disappeared some 13,000 or so years ago. I have shared with you that, whilst Darwin’s theory of evolution has been promoted as the answer to the development of life on this planet, Darwin himself never actually saw it in those terms, recognizing it could never explain the totality of life as it exists on this planet. Of course, the existence of similar beings living elsewhere in the cosmos blows this supposed chance evolutionary process on Earth clear out of the water, which is one of the reasons that it is so carefully hidden from the public.
But I have not joined all of the dots. Today, I want to give you the opportunity to join these dots for yourself. But before I do, I want to share with you what I consider some of the most dedicated and comprehensive work I know of in revealing some of most gross and world-impacting cover-ups of the last century.
Emeritus Professor James Fetzer has conducted some of the most thorough research into the JFK assassination, 9/11 and now the Holocaust that I have come across.
Recently, Jim was involved with organising a seminar entitled Academic Freedom: Are there Limits to Inquiry? JFK, 9/11 and the Holocaust. Apart from restating these events as massive hoaxes, the seminar pointed up how the discussion of alternatives to the official view of events is suppressed in academic circles. However, what I wanted to bring your attention to is Jim’s own presentation, which summarises the research he has himself done on these three subjects; research that demonstrates unequivocally that none of the official stories hold water. For me, these are all important subjects and I have already written extensively about the JFK assassination and 9/11, and I plan to say more about the so-called Holocaust shortly.
Part of the reason I share Jim’s work with you is because it provides a wonderful illustration of so many things going on in our world that are not as they are purported to be, such as climate change (you may recognise the pundits called it global warming till they realised the warming had actually stopped…), and one of the tell-tale signs is when we are not allowed to go against the promoted meme and to do so is likely to see you lose your job if you have one, and even your life if you are revealing something that has been hidden. Graham Hancock has spoken about the war on consciousness, which is a very apt term and in my view goes much further than Graham discussed in his presentation.
Indeed, the rabbit hole is far deeper than most wish to contemplate and there are few brave enough to try and reach the bottom of this rabbit hole. One of them is David Icke.
David began his journey as a soccer player, dropping out of school at 15 to play football full time. The early onset of arthritis saw his playing career cut short, which saw him join the BBC as a commentator. Seemingly set for life, some 25 years ago, he found himself being “told” to go into a bookshop across the road from where he was, go into a section of the bookshop he would not normally go to and take out a book by Betty Shine, who was a very talented psychic (I recently met a wonderful man who counted Betty as a dear friend for many years and confirmed David’s description of her). In a session with Betty, David was told he would expose important information about how the world worked, he would write many books about it, and the information would either come to him or he would be guided to it. And so it has been.
I have taken a moment to introduce David in this way because he has been excoriated in the mainstream press for 25 years regarding the things he has been saying for almost all of that time.
But what is interesting is that, as the years have passed, many if not all of the things David has been writing about have been confirmed by others and much of it has become widely accepted. He was revealing widespread child abuse and sacrifice decades ago and now it is being revealed by witnesses and prosecuted in common law courts. Moreover, David is a very thorough researcher, and his books are full of references and illustrations.
The heart of what David has to say is that humanity and the human experience are being manipulated and directed by a small group on Earth, who are doing the bidding of off-planet or interdimensional beings for their own benefit and potentially for the elimination of humanity from Earth, and all of what is playing out in our world can be traced back to the unfolding of those carefully hidden plans.
To most of you, this sounds impossible and ridiculous. For me, I have been researching much of this on my own and also doing my own work in these areas and, firstly, I have no doubt that there are beings that are hidden who dictate much of what goes on on planet Earth, as illustrated by this interview with the wonderful aged Zulu shaman called Credo Mutwa. Further, I have worked with many people in the work I do where they have been deeply interfered with by off-planet or interdimensional beings. This is not a world that most of us are encouraged or drawn to investigate, but it is very real and is my daily experience and has been for some years.
Few would have the courage to reveal what David has revealed over the years and keep going despite the attacks; but he cares not what others think of him. He follows his internal compass, his internal truth.
I have recently finished reading David’s latest book, “The Perception Deception”. Released in February 2014, it is up to date with illustrations and examples of the way our world works and why. There are a couple of historical areas where I disagree with David’s interpretation and there are a couple of areas where I am still unsure, but the majority of what he shares, supported by endless examples and illustrations, I agree with completely.
Simply, I know of no other way to get a solid grasp of what is happening in our world and why than this book. But be willing to have your sense of reality deconstructed, something most people are not willing to do. Most people have this unrecognised fear that if they accept something that deconstructs their beliefs, they will be lost; that they will fall through into nothingness and keep falling. Nothing could be further from the truth, because what will begin to happen is you will begin to understand who and what you are; perhaps the greatest gift you can give yourself.
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