Some of you know that today (26th) is Carolyn’s birthday. Some of you also know that she is currently in rehab after her challenging fall […]
Month: November 2013
Mehran Keshe Announces Spaceship Institute
Thank you, Hedy. I see powerful opportunities for humanity on many levels in the Keshe technology. This video provides an update on the current state […]
The JFK assassination
JFK’s assassination has held my interest for a long time, and many have written or spoken about it. 50 years on, those directly involved have […]
Interview with “Mr.X” Col. Prouty
This video interview is a very different take on the post WWII history of the United States and the assassination of JFK. Did you know […]
Global Warming is for Genocide
This video from 2009 provides an interesting background to the creation of the global warming myth and the background to the environmental movement.
The case for the Philippines typhoon being triggered to influence the current climate change conference
I suspect that you may have trouble accepting the links I have put in place pointing to typhoon Yolanda, which recently devastated the Philippines as […]
Hacktivist Jeremy Hammond gets 10 years jail
Jeremy Hammond received the maximum 10 years jail for hacking into Stratfor. Many consider Jeremy a modern civil rights activist and, given that he was […]
Typhoon Yolanda/Haiyan was a NWO false flag event
Thank you, Molly. Whilst the description of where things are at in Australia with the carbon tax is not strictly accurate in this video, it […]
C(Lie)mate #3 – What Doesn’t Make The News
This video pulls together a broad range of the pointers on the Earth’s climate changes – it’s the sun. And the evidence points to us […]
The discussion about the cause of the Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda that hit the Philippines has escalated – continued
Thank you, Molly. Well, I was right. We have not seen the end of this discussion. Indeed there are claims arising from a completely […]
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