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I have begun to read Gerard Menuhin’s book on the holohoax entitled Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil: Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him. Seldom if ever have I been drawn to write about a book before I have finished reading it, and in this case I have barely started. But Menuhin’s clarity and directness communicate the picture of the truth of this massive global psyop so unequivocally that I want to encourage you to read it for yourself.

Firstly, if you have not read my post Is the Holocaust a hoax?, I encourage you to do so before reading this.

Secondly, I am drawn to repeat my oft written clarification that I am not anti-Jewish. In my opinion, the average Jew is even more a victim of the psyop run by the elite Khazarians (adopted Jews) than we goyim, and I have many Jewish friends that I treasure.

And Menuhin himself is Jewish. The son of well-known violinist Yehudi Menuhin, he is one of the smallish but growing number of Jews who have deconstructed the psyop and want to see it brought to an end.

Perhaps the place to start with Menuhin’s book is the cover.

The message it conveys is unmistakeable.

And his dedication:

For Germany.

For Germans who still want to be German.

For Humanity.

And let me share his Preface:

This book spans the time between 600 BC and the present day, and yet is also a personal journey. By re-interpreting some of the defining moments of history, it tells a terrible story of deception and self-deception; of absurd claims substantiated and pretensions realized, and of worthless beings which have succeeded in dominating the planet through their control of an intrinsically worthless medium of exchange: money.

Read this book, and all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place.

In earlier times, there existed a people’s movement. It was, on the one hand, a political, on the other hand, a völkisch (ethnic), populist movement. Today, there are no longer any people’s movements, mainly because there are hardly any cohesive peoples left. There exists only the system. The foundation of this system rests on post-1945 re-education, whose symbol is a kind of hologram, that is to say, a projection. According to this projection, Germany and the Germans were guilty of a particular crime against these beings. The system demands, among other things, that all people without exception acknowledge this crime as without comparison and pay tribute to it, by humbling themselves constantly before innumerable shrines to its commemoration, and that Germany must eternally pay compensation in various ways, sometimes to the survivors of the crime, of which there seems to be an inexhaustible supply, and sometimes by giving U-boats to Israel.

Whoever rebels against this coercion is punished, imprisoned. He is accused of having denied the projection. Although the accusation of denial is nonsense, as one cannot deny what one does not hold for truth, the concept of “denial” has been upheld.

So it’s about a Belief, just as in the 16th century Protestants were persecuted by Catholics. It’s the modern world-embracing, universally-adhesive religion. Projection-deniers must be punished in order to maintain the system.

Those who reasonably ask for an explanation are rejected on the grounds that the projection cannot be judged, as it has already been judged. Its notoriety (“common knowledge”) has been declared, otherwise Germany is innocent. To propose putting the projection on trial, in whatever way, is a step back towards National Socialism; it would be against the concept of the Federal Republic of Germany, because it places the existing order in the dock. After all, the projection could be discovered to be an invention, if it is put on trial, it could be a lie. Or rather it would be considered to be unproven, until its actuality is proved.

But if the projection is declared to be null and void, what becomes of the system?

This is the purest logic. As re-education has undermined all the foundations of National Socialism, the possibility that the principles of this re-education could be fraudulent implies that the system could be guilty and that the era of National Socialism was not as bad as it is incessantly represented to be. So the system’s “justice” requires imprisonment instead of a just procedure; the system could not afford to allow the tenets of re-education to be called into question.

So, since the Nuremberg Trials the principal enemy of truth has mutated and evolved to the extent that the German State itself has been compelled for its own sake for 70 years to maintain a hypocritical system, whose exposure would call into question, not only the legitimacy of the entity called “The Federal Republic of Germany,” but also its entire administrative structure as well.

Nearly all Western countries are caught in the same predicament. Even if they are not responsible for this alleged capital crime, they have paid lip service to it since 1945 and may therefore not free themselves from it.

The Author, February 2016

End of quote.

Menuhin sees the game with great clarity and is calling it out.

And, for me, there is something both special and important when a Jew breaks the illusion and seeks to alert the world, like Benjamin Freedman, Shlomo Sand, Gilad Atzmon, Henry Makow and others have done before him, though I do not wish to downplay the contribution of others such as Ernst Zundel, Ursula Haverbeck and Robert Faurisson.

As soon as Chapter 1, Menuhin shares his childhood realisation that the German children he was at school with bore no relationship whatsoever to the monsters depicted in the stories of WWII, and that immediately after the war, the story of the holohoax did not exist:

Three of the best known works on the Second World War are General Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe (New York: Doubleday [Country Life Press], 1948), Winston Churchill’s The Second World War (London: Cassell, 6 vols., 1948-1954), and the Mémoires de guerre of General de Gaulle (Paris: Plon, 3 vols., 1954-1959). In these three works not the least mention of Nazi gas chambers is to be found.

Eisenhower’s Crusade in Europe is a book of 559 pages; the six volumes of Churchill’s Second World War total 4,448 pages; and de Gaulle’s three-volume Mémoires de guerre is 2,054 pages. In this mass of writing, which altogether totals 7,061 pages (not including the introductory parts), published from 1948 to 1959, one will find no mention either of Nazi “gas chambers,” a “genocide” of the Jews, or of “six million” Jewish victims of the war. (Robert Faurisson, “The Detail (the alleged Nazi gas chambers),” The Journal of Historical Review, March-April 1998 (Vol. 17, No. 2), pp. 19-20)

End of quote.

Today, this seems as incongruous as suggesting that the Bolshevik Revolution was a Rothschild funded Jewish takeover of Russia, yet that is exactly what it was.

And he quickly hones in on that 6 million number:

The 6-million figure, in connection with the claimed suffering of European Jews, appeared regularly in North American newspapers of record at least since 1915 (The Sun, June 6, 1915), presumably to prepare the ground among emotionally labile readers for the time when testimony to support such a claim could confidently be manufactured. The use of “holocaust” in this context was introduced as early as 1903 (New York Times, “More Details of the Kishineff Massacre,” May 16, 1903; similar on May 20, 1903, “How This Country Should Regard Russia”).

End of quote.

He goes on to give many examples of its use prior to 1945. As Nicholas Kollerstrom illustrated, there were at least 166 examples of 6 million reportedly suffering Jews in the global press prior to 1945, reaching back to the 1890s.

I have long wondered where this 6M number came from. Does it have significance? And as often happens for me, the explanation presented itself from several sources within a matter of days. Here is Menuhin with part of the puzzle:

The Bible is full of “burnt sacrifices,” which evidently pleased God (e.g., Leviticus 1:14-17 details all the mumbo-jumbo pertaining to burnt sacrifices). Apparently, Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must vanish before the state of Israel can be formed: “You shall return minus 6 million.” Those 6 million had to disappear in “burning ovens.” So 6 million Jews had to be gassed and end up in burning ovens to fulfill the prophecies and satisfy the Talmud Torah dogmatists—a necessary adjunct to the financial entrepreneurs—of Israel’s legitimacy, according to their covenant with their God.

There have been—and indeed continue to be—many efforts to memorialize the Jews murdered in the Holocaust, but this effort of the surviving Hassidic masters stands out. The Zohar records that there are 600,000 letters in the Torah. Truth be told, our scrolls have far fewer letters—304,805 to be exact. Thus the number 600,000 cannot refer merely to a different text of the Bible, for the discrepancy is too great. The number 600,000 could therefore be considered a symbolic number.

One of the later mystics, Rabbi Natan Nata Shapiro of Krakow (Megaleh Amukot, 1585-1633) wrote that this number corresponds to the 600,000 Jewish souls that exist. Sure there are more people than that, but each soul can mystically animate more than one person. Moreover, the Hebrew name for Israel—Yisrael—is an acronym for Yesh Shishim Ribbuy Otiyot Latorah, there are 600,000 letters in the Torah. (Jerusalem Post, June 1, 2012; author’s italics)

End of quote.

Then there was this diagram that came my way:

Which shows how the 600,000 becomes 6M. And this 10 states or emanations of God was further clarified by a Jewish friend as:

So, we now can see where this 6M number came from and why it was so important for those who created Israel. And when you see this, it is easier to recognise that it was only ever a psyop; though with all good psyops, they have multiple purposes.

Menuhin has gone after the way the satanic elite Khazarian “Jews” have manipulated our reality for their own purposes and I can’t wait to see where he goes with this picture. I encourage you to get your own copy and find out. It makes an excellent companion for Benton Bradberry’s The Myth of German Villainy.

It’s critical humanity wakes up to how our world is run and change it.


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