A very concerning update on what’s happening at Fukushima. In my view, it is a global catastrophe for which traditional tools have no answer. And […]
Year: 2013
TAO Revealed: The NSA’s ‘top secret weapon’
There has been a lot of press coverage of the Der Spiegel article on the TAO hacking program today. Here is a brief overview from […]
A miracle in Wisconsin
Jon Rappoport shares a great story about the impact of diet on children. A Miracle in Wisconsin by Jon Rappoport December 30, 2013 www.nomorefakenews.com I […]
Daniel Ellsberg fears a US hit on Wikileaks founder Julian Assange
I find it interesting that this video interview with Daniel Ellsberg from a couple of years ago saying Assange was at risk should come to […]
MT Keshe taking stand against TEPCO
Thank you, Hedy. May enough people get behind this possibility to demand and force change. As I have said before, I believe this being allowed. […]
Steve Pieczenik updates us on Sandy Hook
Thank you, Steve. Feed: STEVE PIECZENIK TALKS The Rise of Liberal Fascism: Eric Holder’s “Project Longevity” Targeted “Gun Violence” BUT FUNDED […]
Journalist Glenn Greenwald condemned the mainstream media during an address at a German hackers conference on Friday
Thousands of attendees at the thirtieth annual Chaos Communication Congress in Hamburg packed into a room to watch the 46-year-old lawyer-turned-columnist present a powerful keynote […]
Gone Fission: Fish caught near Fukushima may swim in food chain
We can expect an endless stream of stories such as this one.
Satanic Ritual Abuse
You need to know that this goes on and is deeply imbedded in the highest levels of power in our world. I have previously shared […]
Talking with the Christ
A blunt message delivered with colour and humour about the ridiculous state of Christianity in the world.
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