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A slew of articles showed up this morning which, taken together, show a growing visibility of the game behind the game.

Firstly, from Zero Hedge: Australia Pushes New Measure To Detain COVID “Conspiracy Theorists”. I quote: 

Weekend demonstrations have flared up in Australia over the last month, as Aussies have vented their frustrations and attempted to take back control of their communities after a surge in virus cases prompted the government to re-implement some of the world’s most draconian social-distancing measures.

And if there is one thing that terrifies increasingly tyrannical governments, it’s a loss of control of the narrative, which is why the Australian government is getting a jump start on curbing any so-called “conspiracy theorists” daring to spread information that questions the fear-mongering being used to keep Aussie citizens under lock and key.

A new bill is expected to be debated by the Victorian government in the State Parliament this week. It gives local authorities the power to detain “conspiracy theorists” and people who refuse to self-isolate, reported Caldron Pool. If passed, the COVID-19 Omnibus (Emergency Measures) allows the government to detain anyone labeled as a “high risk” or likely to spread COVID-19 negligently.

A state government spokesman told The Age that the rule could be applied to “conspiracy theorists who refuse to self-isolate or severely drug-affected or mentally impaired people who do not have the capacity to quarantine.” Those arrested under the new rule will be housed in quarantine facilities. 

Attorney-General Jill Hennessy said the new bill would “allow us to continue responding to the challenges the pandemic presents, so we can keep protecting Victorians and delivering the services they rely on.”

So far, many of the anti-lockdown demonstrations have been held on the weekends. At least 200 people were fined and 74 arrested at a protest in Melbourne on Sunday. If the bill is passed, some protesters would be rounded up and arrested, and could spend time in a quarantine facility. 

End of quote.

This was largely quoting the Caldron Pool article. This subject was also covered by RT News.

This closely mirrors the mandatory quarantine camps quietly rolled out in New Zealand last month. Coincidence? Of course. This wouldn’t be part of global plan would it???

Then we have the US media shutting down Newt Gingrich, when he pointed out that George Soros has been funding the appointment of “soft on crime”, anti-police State prosecutors in the US. I quote Gingrich:

I have been watching a truly curious phenomenon over the past few days.It seems there is suddenly a movement in media to silence anyone who speaks out against George Soros – and, specifically, his funding of radical prosecutors seeking to change the criminal justice system by simply ignoring certain crimes.

This happened to me personally this week while I was being interviewed on Fox’s Outnumbered. When I brought up Soros’s plan to get pro-criminal, anti-police prosecutors elected across the country, two of the show’s participants interrupted me and forcefully asserted that Soros was not involved.

Host Harris Faulkner, it seemed, was stunned by the interruptions, and did her part to move the show forward after some awkward silence. The next day, she addressed the strange moment during the show and condemned censorship.

Immediately after the show, Twitter and other social media went crazy. People were alleging that any criticism of Soros’s political involvement is automatically false, anti-Semitic, or both.

This is ludicrous. Soros’s plan to elect these prosecutors has been well documented already – and it has nothing to do with his spiritual or ethnic background. The Los Angeles Timesthe New York TimesPoliticoUSA Todaythe Washington Postthe Wall Street Journalthe Associated PressCBSthe South Florida Sun-Sentinel – even Fox News itself, among others, have all thoroughly reported on it.

There are plenty of specific examples of Soros’s work in action.

Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot, who campaigned on the promise that he would not prosecute a host of crimes—including thefts—admitted his campaign was largely funded through Soros or his groups. He has been so dismissive of crime and police that Texas Governor Greg Abbott has had to send in the Texas State Patrol to police large swaths of Dallas.

Soros gave $333,000 to the Safety and Justice PAC in 2016 to support then-Cook County District Attorney candidate Kim Foxx in Illinois—who is currently presiding over terrible violence and mayhem in Chicago, where murders are twice what they were in 2019.

End of quote.

There is a highly sophisticated destruction of what remains of US society underway and Soros is certainly a major agent of it. Soros is close to the heart of the global elite and is very willing to act against those who act to expose his practices – as a friend of mine can attest to.

Then we have: Facebook Moves To Censor Internal Debate As More Employees Quit In Protest. I quote:

After a handful of employees quit so they could speak out about Facebook’s insufficient internal ‘woke’-ness, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has finally decided how he’s going to handle what has been described as an internal rebellion.

The surge of anti-management sentiment within the company was likely provoked by accusations, spread by the mainstream press, about Facebook’s alleged role in spreading “Russian” disinformation to help sway the election to President Trump, a narrative that the New Yorker – a publication that’s almost revered by American intellectuals – quietly admitted was b***s*** just a few days ago.

End of quote.

Then we have another piece about Facebook: Facebook Sued In Federal Court For “Spying” On Instagram Users Through Camera. I quote:

In August, Facebook was accused of illegally harvesting the biometric data of users from its photo-sharing app Instagram. Now the social media giant is being sued again, this time for spying on Instagram users through their smartphone cameras, reported Bloomberg.

The new lawsuit, filed Thursday (Sept. 17) in federal court in San Francisco by Instagram user Brittany Condi, claims Facebook gained access to Instagram users’ smartphone cameras without their permission. She alleges Facebook spied on users to collect “lucrative and valuable data on its users that it would not otherwise have access to.”

By “obtaining extremely private and intimate personal data on their users, including in the privacy of their own homes,” Instagram and Facebook collected “valuable insights and market research,” the complaint said. 

The suit follows media reports from July when a “bug” in Instagram’s code led users to believe the app was turning on their cameras without permission.  Some users, according to The Independent’s story in July, said they noticed a green indicator (seen below) at the top of their iPhone’s Control Panel that showed the camera was activated. Users believed Instagram had been spying on them. 

End of quote.

Entirely unintended, of course. And when you add Dr. David Martin’s revelation that a Foundation connected to Facebook funded Event 201, the “Plandemic planning meeting” of October last year, you begin to see the role of Zuckerberg and his Facebook empire, entirely created for this purpose.

When you view the world as I have come to do, after years of detailed research, you see how all of these things are connected, albeit they are but a small part of the total “full court press” we are being subjected to. To these you can add global warming – sorry; climate change, the 2030 Agenda, vaccination, having us fear the sun to deprive us of Vitamin D, the major forest fires on every continent over the last 2 to 3 years being fostered by Directed Energy Weapons, the destruction of the global food supply, the shutdown of the global economy, the control of all in serious power in all walks of life through paedophilia and child sacrifice… Is that enough? Sadly, I’m just getting warmed up. And so many people I thought would see through it are still buying the line that it’s all due to COVID-19…

As I’ve said many times, beliefs are powerful things when you take your beliefs to be you.


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"Let Me Explain What Happens Next..." - A Reader Sums It All Up Very Ominously

Fri Sep 25 , 2020
I quote this article from Zero Hedge: A reader recently wrote me a long letter on how he feels about all this ‘Plandemic’ stuff.  I […]
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